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Cyberangriff auf SPD: E-Mail-Konto von Kevin Kühnert von russischem Hackerangriff betroffen

Krieg in Nahost: Israel setzt nach US-Drohung Kampf in Gaza fort

Gepostet in ISRAEL: KRIEG IN NAHOST @israel-krieg-in-nahost-ZEITONLINE

Inhaltswarnung: Vague drugposting

Als Antwort auf byte :ms_robot_headpats: :blobhaj_flag_nonbinary:

Inhaltswarnung: Vague drugposting

About 15 years ago I used to work at a fried food cafe in a museum and the background noise sounded just like a distant, muffled instrumental intro of The Velvet Underground's Venus in Furs. I would hear that like 8 hours a day.

Inhaltswarnung: Historical Nazi attack on lgbtq people

Als Antwort auf mcc

I find it weird that people are waking up to the fact that they were doing free labor for a for profit company. Did they think SO was a charity or something?

The real lesson is to never license. It’s just a shakedown by middle men trying to free money. Scrape everything.
Death to copyright.

Als Antwort auf jonathankoren


Two words: "Gamification" and "Reputation"

The "Stack Exchange" thing made it for people to get an dopamine rush for beeing succesful, winning the next level of the "Game"

Everyone there is in a race to get more reputation, get "Badges of Honor" and all the things

Its working just as its designed to


I love breaks but damn I gotta remember it's always best LOUD and with good bass! (sorry neighbors) - that said hope to see some friends this weekend for BTx! (oh and currently listening to: https://soundcloud.com/nursenoise/red-hot-bev-2023-06-05)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)

but yeah this def aint no gold this is copper #apple #ipad
Als Antwort auf Lamp

this isn't even the nice #rosegold they once had...

That's way too light for #copper either...

At 4.30pm today on 3CR Community Radio, we chat with Stephanie Wescott about manfluencers in the classroom.

📻 855AM
📱 streaming on https://3CR.org.au & the CommunityRadio+ app
👂podcast up later where you get your pods!

If you live in one of these states or districts, you're the key to our plan to win in November! Our groundbreaking new voter contact tool is super easy and super effective -- and an exciting way to connect with your neighbors while helping GOTV. Sign up for Neighbor2Neighbor now: https://indivisibleproject.formstack.com/forms/neighbor_to_neighbor_ge_prereg?source=mastodon

Xbox: Microsoft schließt Studios hinter "Hi-Fi Rush" und "Redfall"

Microsoft schließt mehrere seiner Studios, darunter Arkane Austin und Tango Gameworks. Die Arbeit an "Redfall" endet dadruch. Käufer sollen entschädigt werden.


#Spiele #Microsoft #Xbox #news

I've recently gotten back into writing small apps in #Java just to see how things have changed in the years since 8.

Being able to stand up a really lightweight simple server has been there for awhile, but with 21 there's a lot of quality of life improvements to be had that make it similar to setting up a barebones Python webapp.


I suppose the danger of the current sweeping you off the top of a weir and trapping you underwater at the bottom of it seems less scary when you can fly away. #duck #birding #CommonTeal

"The gas giants won’t have to explore for new gas fields themselves. Santos, Woodside, Origin, Chevron, BP and Shell won’t have to spend a cent looking for new deposits — you’ll be paying for it instead.


Umfassende Pflegereform nötig: Diakonie und Caritas pochen auf Hilfe für die Altenpflege https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Diakonie-und-Caritas-pochen-auf-Hilfe-fuer-die-Altenpflege-article24930139.html?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=dlvr.it&utm_content=n-tv.de%20-%20Startseite&utm_term=%40ntv%40mstdn.social

it’s 0120 and i should have gone to sleep at 2345 since i need to wake up at 0745 and i want my 8 hours
but no ADHD decided it’s time to scroll through old photos all night

The Perfect Night #ASMR | Hair Play, #Rain /Thunder, #StressRelief



#Demo gegen #Rechts


Heute, Donnerstag, 9.5.

Marienplatz, 11h

Spontanaktion für #Demokratie nach Angriffen auf Politiker*innen


Bitte RT

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One of my heroes (though controversial -- of course) is #RalphNader. TBH, I'm thinking he is totally right about cars being #UnSafeAtAnySpeed (cuz, way faster than humans can take if hit), and his #NoNukes stance. And I'm sorry that #AlGore lost -- but I wish #Democrats would run better candidates rather than blaming us #GreenParty members for voting for our own candidates. And yeah, I changed to #Democrat just to vote for #BernieSanders -- so I'm willing to change... Are you?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)

Study: AI chatbots that simulate the dead risk haunting the bereaved https://www.rawstory.com/ai-deadbots/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

“Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources — ones that don’t emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane…

For the first time, 30% of electricity produced worldwide was from clean energy sources as the number of solar and wind farms continued to grow fast.” #ClimateCrisis

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US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Biden rechnet mit Widerstand von Trump gegen das Wahlergebnis

Der US-amerikanische Präsident Joe Biden geht davon aus, dass Donald Trump im Falle einer Wahlniederlage so wie 2020 das Ergebnis anzweifeln wird. Das sei gefährlich.



Woo hoo! My first feature (non project) article for @makemagazine about three amazing teachers who run maker spaces in their schools is in the latest issue of Make, and also live online now (no paywall):

It’s been very nice to watch movies and read and practice the piano.

Apparently the first week of summer break involves me retiring into a hidey hole and not coming out.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)

Guess who needed to get a tow home this evening? lol……

Okay but hear me out, it wasn’t something I did. I just need a gasket replaced.

Als Antwort auf Katrin Jo Grimm

That is the worst. I hope you were ok and that the repairs are done quickly.
Als Antwort auf David M.

@davscomur Will have the mechanic take a look at it tomorrow and hopefully will have repairs done within the day. I drive A LOT so it can’t wait.

Alright, so my work is switching to Google Meet. I want to grill the IT team on Google harvesting biometrics and using it to train AI, but I need proof?
Comms on Google Meet are apparently "encrypted", but I call bullshit.

Please help #Google

Do you remember that experiment you did in high school physics, where you built a bridge out of toothpicks or whatever and then tested its strength by slowly adding more weight until it snapped?

That’s what we’re doing with American democracy.

Yes. All of this. All the time. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6L0L_Lsag1/ #adhd #adhs

#DieMaskeBleibtAuf hat dies geteilt.

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Chaos Singularity 2024

Der Call for Participation ist ab sofort offen und läuft bis zum 9. Juni.

Beiträge einreichen könnt ihr in unserem Pretalx unter:



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I've been avoiding the Kendrick/Drake diss thing because it sounded a bit lame, but "Not Like Us" is a bop and like.. who could expect otherwise.